2025 Budget Stakes: Millions Could Lose Health Coverage or See Costs Rise
Millions of people are at risk of losing health coverage or facing higher costs due to potential cuts in health programs proposed by a Republican-controlled Congress. Such changes may severely limit access to necessary medical care, affecting those with chronic conditions and low-income workers, per a policy brief from Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
Millions of people are at risk of losing health coverage or facing higher costs due to potential cuts in health programs proposed by a Republican-controlled Congress. Such changes may severely limit access to necessary medical care, affecting those with chronic conditions and low-income workers, per a policy brief from Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
The issue:
The challenge lies in proposed spending cuts that could remove health coverage from millions, particularly those relying on Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Currently, 100 million people depend on these programs, and cutting funds may limit essential services, especially for vulnerable populations.
Go deeper:
To mitigate the negative impacts, Congress should extend the current premium tax credit improvements to maintain affordability for marketplace enrollees. Additionally, closing the Medicaid coverage gap could help over 1.6 million uninsured adults gain access to health care. Streamlining the enrollment processes would also reduce coverage gaps for eligible individuals.
This is a brief overview of a policy brief from Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. For complete insights, we recommend reading the full a policy brief.